Thursday, 24 October 2013

Film Poster Possible Tag Lines

For Film Posters the tag line is one of the most important features of a film poster which can help bring in the potential audiences in the hope that they will watch the film, or to try and have a certain impact in a way that the audience will be able to remember the tagline and thus, go and see the film.

For example, the film Ghost Ship (2002) the tag line as a whole failed and was not effective in what it was trying to say. Whilst it is true that the film poster tag line made sense it was one of the lines which is cliched a lot an potentially is one of those lines which the audience would expect and would think nothing of it. It is also a play on the words 'Sea' instead of 'See' which whilst it could have been good was something which the audience when seeing the tag line would have seen hundreds of times before therefore, not really making it unique compared to other tag lines. The failure of the tag line bringing in the audiences is shown through the box office where it opened with only $11,503,423 with a budget of $20 million. 

A good film tag line is one which is usually a play on the words or one where someone viewing it would be more likely to remember it. Armageddon (1998) is one of the films which does this correctly. It's tagline 'Earth. It was fun whilst it lasted' instantly tells the audience a brief background of what the film is going to be about, which in this case is about the Earth being threatened by some major event which could potentially destroy the Earth. This is just one of the ways that the tag line is effective as it shows the audience just what the film is about which can help to draw in a certain type of audience. Another positive about the poster is that the tagline makes it seem like it is part of a conversation and the way it is written makes it seem to be in a very light humorous tone. This helped it to become very successful even overtaking 'Saving Private Ryan'.

Through looking at both of the film posters it is clear to see that when creating our tag line for our film that it is the key area which is important. Therefore, by comparing a good tag line and a bad one we will be able to get our inspirations from some of them and possible areas where we know it might be good or bad.

In terms of our film tag line our group has come up with several tag lines which we could potentially use in the creation of our film poster.

Have you ever had to teach yourself a lesson?
The tag line above is just one of ideas that our group have come up with when brainstorming the different ideas. This line directly links to what the basic outline for the film is going to be in terms of future Mark teaching younger Mark a lesson about him revising to get a good life. It can also be related to people in real life with a bit of a switch where the way it is written seems to make it show that the parent is telling a child off whereas in the film future Mark is telling off Present Mark in a way which is like a parent-child relationship. However, there is one bit where our group thought that whilst that tag line is the basis we could perhaps expand on it a bit more such as ending something at the end such as 'I did'. To find out whether or not that would go or be appropriate our group might ask people which they prefer.

The past, has just collided with the future. 
This is another possible tag line that our group came up with which helps to create a possible comedic tag line. Whilst this is a potentially good line that could be used in the film poster there are several problems that could potentially arise. It is true that it is linked to the events that actually happen during the film, the choice of words give it the assumption that it is potentially a science-fiction film set in the future which it is not. Therefore, whilst this is a potential choice the use of the words might change so that we don't confuse the type of film genre that the film is set in. 

Two paths. One Future. But which will he choose?
This is the final tag line that our group also came up with, however we quickly decided not to use it in terms of for the final poster. To start with the tag line whilst being good and in some way relating to our film we as a group felt that it didn't have the same impact that the first tag line that we came up with had. Again there is a problem with the wrong genre for the film genre being chosen where the tag line makes it seem that it is headed for a more serious stance instead of one that is light-hearted.

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