Thursday, 14 November 2013

Potential Layouts for the Poster

As a group we have all come up with several example layouts for our film poster that we could potentially use for our final film poster. By coming up with different examples and using the research on posters earlier it helps give inspiration to some of the poster layouts which we have thought of.

This is one of the film posters that our group have come up. From the poster, there are a list of technical codes that we have decided to use within the poster which potentially could be implemented into the final final version. As we are addressing the audience mode of 15-20 year old's, by keeping the poster simple and to the point it would make the audience more likely to remember viewing the poster.

  1. The tag line here is featured at the top of the page with this idea being featured from the title 'Bridget Jones Diary' where there are also the characters appearing on the side of the page.We chose to produce it at the top as that is potentially the first thing which people will see. The tag line is one short, to the point and ends with a question which might have the affect to cause people to watch the film. 
  2. We have chosen to position the actors names in between the two actors faces again as it is positioned in the most logical place and would fit in with the rest of the poster. Additionally, again we also got our inspiration from the film poster from the movie Seven which also has text between the actors faces.
  3. The actors faces appearing on both the left and right side of the poster creates a similar theme to that of the film. By having the character on the left to appear confused, and the one on the right appearing smug giving the impression of  both of Mark's personality.
  4. The billing block would appear at the bottom of the poster where all the relevant information would be located.
  5. The Title of the short film will appear in Sans-Serif format keeping to the tradition of the headlines being in that sort of font. The font size will be approximately size 24; bigger than that of the tag line as the heading will be the first thing which you would want to see. 
The second film poster layout that we have come up with is one that differs drastically from that of the first initial poster layout that was thought up of. 

  1. The Cast name instead of appearing in the middle of the page instead we decided to have it at the top of the page. This is where a large majority of film posters have their cast names present and the audience would be able to relate to that. The font however, in this case would be featured in a smaller font size compared to that of the previous poster. 
  2. Here is where this poster differs drastically compared to the previous poster. By having the heading of the film name in the middle and then having two halves of the same face appearing on different sides of the film name creates the affect that they are split in half and have two different effects or which are the same person with different personalities. This inspiration came from the 2013 film 'The Double' which has a sort of similar affect in terms of the whole person's face dividing up. 
  3. Again as stated before the person's face will be divided up by the film title to show the two different people of Mark; one from the future and one from the present. 
  4. Again the billing block will be featured at the bottom of the page which is where again all of the relevant information will be. 
  5. The tag line is featured at the top of the page underneath the cast name where it is placed in the most relevant place.

This is the final potential layout for our film posters that our group has come up with. It differs greatly again compared to that of the other two posters instead, featuring a full body image of the cast instead of just the heads of the cast on the poster. The way that the actors are presented also, as with the first poster layout represents the film where the character on the left is looking at his potential future that he has which is built on success. The tag line being again at the top and the film title at the bottom, our group has decided that at the bottom would be the best location for the heading where it is able to stand our from the rest of the fonts. 
When considering the audience mode which is ages 15-20 the poster is simple yet still informative and contains the relevant information that the audience would need when viewing the poster. There is also an extra feature that our group have added for the final layout where the cinema release date was added onto it which was forgotten on the previous poster layouts. By adding this on it gives it a sense of realism and helps make the poster more official.

Our group has decided to go with this as our final poster that we would be designing. Compared to the first design that we were initially going to do, there are a number of changes. By changing the cast logo appearance on the poster from the middle where it would seem like the film is called Mark, we decided to change it and place it where the tagline is with the tagline being placed in the middle. By doing this, it is aimed at trying to make the poster appear more professional and realistic. Additionally, instead of having one actor appear on the poster we decided to include all of the actors who appear in the film to appear at the top because again, it gives the poster a sense of realism and all of these characters are an important part in the film.  

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Magazine review ideas

In order to create an authentic magazine review we need to come up with ideas for the name of the Magazine and the section title for the review itself. Some ideas for the name of the Magazine  name that we have come up with are:

"Movie King" - This idea is a bit cheesy but states he purpose of the magazine and gives the idea that it may give an extensive review, but the use of the word "king" almost acts as an exaggeration, which would give the reader the idea of a Total Film-esque Magazine.

"Film Guru" - Again this idea is a bit cheesy and like the previous one, gives the idea of an informal audience for which we are aiming for. A danger is that it may seem too relaxed and needs to be a more respectable name.

"Weekly Film" - This provides a more professional look to the magazine with which our review will take place. it doesn't provide as quite as an intellectual name as "Sight and sound" but provides a more layman magazine name, for film buffs.

"Vital Cinema" - Again this provides a professional and fresh look. the idea isn't so original as most movie review magazine names consist of an adjective and a film related word, and we feel in keeping with this, that this would be a sensible review magazine name.

Another vital name for our magazine review article is the name of the section title which will highlight that the page will consist of different film reviews. Examples of this from Total film are "Screen", simple words that highlight that the fact that the page talks about film specifically rather than TV or news in he film industry. some examples we have thought of are:

"Movie Zone" - although slightly unoriginal  and cheesy it highlights to the audience what the section will be about and considering our magazine will be aimed at more layman movie buffs this section title would be more than suitable.

"Screen Watch" - This title provides a more professional look to the magazine but not too educational in its written code. The section highlights the topic being "screen" which people commonly associate with movies and the word watch highlights the depth of analysis that people have gone for it. we have decided to go for this one as it provides a more professional of the three yet not too educational in its aim, providing the lesser of two evils from the other two titles.

"Silver Screen" - this refers to the old fashion way to describe cinema in which the projectors would show the film onto silverfish screens for the audience to view them. it highlights the idea of movies and gives a fresher and professional tone, for those who know where the term came from. however this could be deemed as more for the higher and more educational magazines that provide a more analytical view.

Potential Magazine Layouts

Coupled with the film poster and short film, the magazine review is also one of the important areas which our group has to produce. For the magazine review, by analysing different magazines from some such as Empire and Total Film, our group came up with several areas that our magazine could potentially go in terms of layout and how it will be structured when we finally do it. Below are just some of the layouts that our group came up with which we could potentially use later when creating the final product.

Layout 1
  1. Section Title- Here at the top of the page is where the readers will be able to know what section of the magazine they are on, in the case of our groups magazine, ScreenWatch. A possible logo of a star or a cinema screen could possibly be used which has the connotations of being related to a movie star or film and will be the logo for the sections of the magazine. 
  2. Image- A shot of the film will be shown here with the image caption found at the top. Possible image our group could include is the shock face of Mark when he sees himself when he has just woke up. 
  3. Breakout Box (1 and 2)- Possible information could include some extra information about the cast or about the film itself, such as the actor appearing in the previous film or the directors producing the same work as the thriller film from last year. The second box would be a list of suggestive films to go and see if the genre type is for you. 
  4. Headline- A possible headline would be 'Ghost Of a Student's Future' which will be featured in a red colour, bold and have a large font size which sets it apart from the rest of the text with a Sans-Serif font also being used. 
  5. Breakout Paragraph- Here will be featured a large font size of a quote from the magazine review which will be in the serif font as it is the main text.
  6. Column/Main Text- Here will contain all the relevant information needed for the magazine review there will be only one short column used. However, the potential problem with this is there might not be enough room to fit what we would need.  
  7. Graphics- Underneath the actual review would be the graphics of stars which give a rating out of five on how well the movie has performed.
  8. Image (2)- The second image would feature another clip of the film with a possible quote talking about the performance of the actor or scene or another quote featured from the magazine review. 
  9. Call to Action and Issue Information- Here the standard website for the magazine and the issue information (Issue 543, November 25th, 2013) would be featured. 
This is one layout that our group could possibly use. Conversely, there is also a potential problem of having little space for the actual review of the magazine and for other information. However, as our audience is aimed at teenagers, there is more of a chance of that audience type not wanting to read a lot of information at once but have it simplified. This guidance came from the magazine 'Total Film'.

Layout 2

This is the second layout that our magazine layout could potentially be. In the breakout boxes unlike that of the previous magazine would be more information that has more relevance to the film. The breakout box (2) would feature information such as the director, producers and actors involved in the film. The other boxes would also feature a sample of a short interview with the director and how they came up with the idea to produce the film. However, our group decided not to use this type of magazine layout for one reason: there would be too much information for the audience mode that we are aiming at. As we are aiming for teenagers and not potentially adults and we are not aiming to give a full review of the film this layout was dismissed, due to containing irrelevant information that our target audience would probably not want. From the layout it is clear to see also that there is more information being used rather than images which also sets a more mature, older audience, who are more interested in the actual full information of the film and not a summary of it. 

Layout 3

This is the final layout that our group could potentially use when creating the actual magazine review. Compared to the previous layout which featured a more mature layout containing more information. This layout is a mixture of information and other details about the film itself. The first layout kept the call to action and the issue information all together whilst in this layout they are more spaced out which as a whole can make the information easier to read instead of having it all clustered together. In this layout as well compared to the other layouts there is featured a 'strapline' which can also grab the readers attention, as with all of the others all of the headings will be have a font in Sans-Serif format. The graphics again will feature the logo next to the magazine with the breakout box containing further information about the film.

By looking at all three magaizne layouts our group will choose the first layout due to it being clearer to read and get all the relevant information, whilst also not being too long that it might not bore some of the readers. There are also breakout boxes which might have relevant information which would be of interest to the readers.