These locations will make the basis for our shooting schedules and will help us to plan when and where we can shoot the film. Getting various options will allow us to make informed decisions as to what would be the best fit for our short film, as well as practicality and time in which we should shoot.

This is a possible location for the job centre that features in the split-screen of marks future, after he has received his good and bad results. filming here is practical as we can shoot Mark walking to the building and walking through the automatic doors with ease.
shooting here should be fine, but we will ask for permission from the people there just to make sure its okay.

These are pictures from my bedroom that could serve perfectly for Marks bedroom.

One impracticality might be shooting the night scene may difficult during the current season as barley any light is available in there, which means that a lamp may have to be used in this scene.
there is a couch in the room, for the
scene for which Mark is in the room
with his future self, could be used for
a shot reverse shot, with the ghost on
the couch and Mark in the bed, if a possible
split screen with mark and the ghost on
the same screen couldn't work.

These are photos of possible locations for the office scene at the start of the short film, featuring the Head of year and Mark. both are very practical as they are within our school so give a full representation of what a school office would look like. Both feature a desk, with work and computers scattered around the room which really achieves the realism that the offices would genuinely be within a school.

We have decided to go for the top one as it is more spacious and allows more room to place the cameras and film each shot. also the top office allows Mark and his Head of year to be face to face without a desk in the way which we feel is more personal and can be achieved in this office.

These are the gates to UCL and the main entrance. we feel this is a good location to shoot Mark walking into a university as it has the long walk to the main building which is iconic and has a sign on the entrance which dignifies it. This is good for practicality reasons as it is near on the tube and best represents the idea of a university and and contrasts the Job centre that he will be going into on the split-screen. For us this is the most viable option for a university scene.
This is a generic Café that we could use for the final flash forward of Marks life. it features booths that we can have Mark and Emma sit in which could give a look of a close relationship which we could affirm with a hug of some sort, but also can be used in the exact same position for when mark is on his own to show him alone and ruined.
For practicality reasons we will obviously have to gain permission from the management to be able to film in here possibly prior to filming in order to not be rejected on the day of filming. The generic feel of the café also acts as showing how low Marks life has sunk that that's where he must eat but also where university students will eat due to their strapped budget and so is practical for two reasons.
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