The first idea that we came up with is of a student slacker that doesn't revise for exams, then begins to worry about how this effects his life when it comes closer to the exam date. The short film would have a contrasting VoiceOver to accompany the visual representation, giving a comedic feel to the character and his problems. When he exits the exam he feels he hasn't done enough and starts to feel like a failure, until he receives his results in the mail to find he got good grades, we believed the twist here is the subversion of the expectation of the audience to show that getting places in life isn't all about work, but how you apply yourself. The film would turn into a feel-good film as the character now has almost unlimited possibilities when he thought he had none.

Another idea involves the theory of causality but puts a teen romance spin on the idea. The protagonist would be put in a situation to do a task or not, the screen would then split to show what would happen if he did the task or not, one way resulting in meeting a girl and becoming happy or another possibly
ending in a social realist way or a failure. We couldn't think of any more depth to this idea which caused it to not take off and is quite a cheesy idea in itself.

Other ideas involved social realism again. A boy would be bullied in school but at first glance would not seem to impact him on the surface, but when every time something happens to him, the screen would cross cut between him in school and the effects of what happens to him at home, and how he deals with it, in a depressing manner. This would be viewed purely by score with no dialogue for a more powerful effect. Possible endings include either the kid exciting revenge or possibly an implied suicide due to the toll the bullying has taken on him.
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