The film "Coming of Age" is a dark post-apocalyptic film produced by Ben Goodger. It follows the life of a young boy who has to deal with life of new responsibility after his friend dies whilst trying to avoid and outun the antagonists who are after him. The narrative structure for this film compared to "Get Off My Land" starts off in a linear narrative but then shifts to a non-linear narrative of a flashback in his dream of what happened before hand and why he is running. This is a very useful technique that could possibly be used in the production of the film. For example, if producing a social realist film about violence a flashback to what happened earlier could help to set the scene. The narrative is also circular. The boy goes through everything even killing one of the men to end up walking back the same way he came and being alone again. A circular narrative is also one of great interest. By adding that in our groups short film it could be used to demonstrate the despite what has happened nothing has changed.
Goodger having recently graduated from the National Film and Television School in 2013 can be said that the short film that was produced was for experimental purposes to help in further in his work that he was doing.
The titles
in this case do not appear before the film starts but appears a couple of
seconds after the film has started after finishing running which in a way can
help to build tension needed for this type of film. The bare barren area of the
forest that the boy runs through and the fact that no one is there presents one
of the most common themes in the film. Loneliness. Loneliness is what the boy
constantly suffers after the death of his friend, which the killer also
experiences after the boy killed his friend. The world that they are currently
in is quite deserted due to an apocalyptic event that occurred. The loneliness
shows the lack of community that is present in the society and how everything
has broken down. The boy perhaps might become the killer as he gets older and
experience what the older man linking to a cycle that certain people will go
Despite it being a long short film the actors credits do not appear until right at the end of the film. This was possibly used to not ruin the grim high key lightning and to demonstrate how bad the world truly is after the apocalypse. Therefore, the short film has made it known that titles in the film have to be placed correctly depending on what genre the film is.
The score features a different variety of scores that change
according to the situation that unlike “Get Off My Land” which has no score has
a profound effect on the way that the film unravels. The score presents a great
sense of tension and atmosphere that the protagonist is feeling when escaping.
With no sound it would not have the same affect, showing, how relevant score is
to a short film let alone any film.
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