Narrative structure in short films is comparatively different in many ways to feature length films. For example, in order to be more powerful and iconic, short films tend to have twists within their narrative, where as such social realist feature length films might not contain one, due to length they employ which gives them time for the movie itself to be more powerful. This is generally what attracts audiences to watching short films as they often contain powerful messages.

Obviously, again due to the time frame of short films they have to make their plots quick and to the point. Often this can drag a short film down due to the fact that the directors or writers capabilities are limited, but in a lot of cases this can create a taster for production companies to want to invest in the making of a feature length film, as it showcases the talents of a director or writer. An example of this is Blomkamps "alive in joburg" which was later turned into a feature length cult film, District 9.
Titles in short films are also used in a different fashion. A feature length film will often have the titles at the start and at the end, because they have time to burn when filming their up to 3 hour films, and so can employ opening and closing credits and titles at their leisure. However a short film will only have a couple second title of the name of the short film at the beginning, with all credits being made at the very end of the piece. had credits been laid on top of the filming, it could run the length of the film and not look professional. which is something we will employ when we get to the editing stage of the film.
These are example of opening titles from a short film and a feature length film. the feature length film can employ background information that requires extended reading, whereas the short film title is simply "Hugo".
Titles in short films are also used in a different fashion. A feature length film will often have the titles at the start and at the end, because they have time to burn when filming their up to 3 hour films, and so can employ opening and closing credits and titles at their leisure. However a short film will only have a couple second title of the name of the short film at the beginning, with all credits being made at the very end of the piece. had credits been laid on top of the filming, it could run the length of the film and not look professional. which is something we will employ when we get to the editing stage of the film.

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