The four main components that need to be considered for our short films are:
Narrative structure
Sound, Editing Mise en Scene
These will encapsulate our final products in all three areas, with Written, Technical and semiotic codes making up the bulk of the Movie poster and the magazine film review. These need to complement each other to make a successful balance, for example, a Romantic comedy, cannot have an action packed movie poster with an analytical magazine review. Generally it's the films with strong themes that analytical reviews like sight and sound thrive on, for which we will have to take into account also.
Keeping the balance between the components of the short film itself and the poster and magazine review are important in order to complement each other and achieve the full purpose of the poster and review. Some themes that we could successfully use with our budgets are, romantic comedies or even Drama, like the short film "Gravity" which required very little budget to make, but was still powerful in its message. Discussing the themes of the short film will be an important stage of our planning process as this sets out our aims for a storyline, creating narrative structure and will help with the Sound editing and misé en scene.
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